Guidelines for maximum number of presentations to be given by single speaker per SER Annual Conference
In an effort to expand and diversify the topics presented at SER and the speakers presenting them, we propose the following guideline for presentations given at the SER Annual Conference.
Starting at the 2019 annual meeting, the number of podium presentations given by one speaker per annual conference will be limited to 2.
Symposia and abstract-driven presentations count toward this maximum in any combination, e.g., 2 symposia, 2 abstract-driven presentations, or 1 symposium and 1 abstract-driven presentation. Session Chairs, Moderators, and Discussants are considered a podium presentation, and count towards the 2 podium presentations.
However, workshop presentations, plenary session presentations and professional development sessions do not count toward this maximum.
Exceptions can be made for award winners, keynote speakers, and other distinct and extenuating circumstances.