The purpose of the Education and Professional Development Committee is to coordinate and guide SER’s efforts on education aimed at trainees, junior, and mid-career epidemiologists. The committee will supervise and coordinate education events that occur during the year and during the annual meeting, including SERdigital, SERtalks, SERplaylists and the Early Stage Investigator Project. The committee may develop other areas in which SER can fulfill its mission for education.

Hailey Banack
Hailey Banack, PhD, joined the Department of Epidemiology and Environmental Health as a postdoctoral associate in September 2017. She was appointed as a research assistant professor in April 2019.
The focus of her research is women’s health and methodology.
Research Assistant Professor
University of Buffalo
Department of Epidemiology and Environmental Health

Brenda Heaton
Education Committee Co-Chair
Brenda Heaton, PhD, MPH is an Associate Professor jointly appointed in the Department of Health Policy and Health Services Research at the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine and the Department of Epidemiology at the School of Public Health, Boston University. Her research interests include a focus on the social production of oral health, with an overall goal of addressing the complex mechanisms responsible for the emergence of oral health disparities. Read more
Associate Dean for Research
University of Utah School of Medicine
Phone: 617-358-6305

Laura Balzer
Education Committee Co-Chair
Dr. Laura B. Balzer is an Associate Professor of Biostatistics at the University of California, Berkeley. Her expertise is in causal inference, machine learning, and messy real-world data. Dr. Balzer’s work addresses challenges in the design and analysis of both randomized trials and observational studies, including novel approaches for semi-parametric inference, differential measurement, and complex dependence. Dr. Balzer’s work has largely been motivated by ongoing collaborations in Uganda and Kenya. She is the Primary Statistician for several studies aiming to eliminate HIV and improve community health in rural East Africa (e.g., Overall, Dr. Balzer’s work is informed by cross-disciplinary, real-world problems and aims to ensure methodological advances in academia translate into real-world impact.
University of California, Berkeley Public Health
2121 Berkeley Way #5317
Education Committee Members
Alex Keil
Andrew Zullo
Ariel Beccia
Chanelle Howe
Colleen Reynolds
Elizabeth Suarez
Farzana Kapadia
Galit Dunietz
Heather McGrane Minton
Jessica Gorzelitz
John Kubale
Jonathan Platt
Joseph Babalola Obafemi
Kate Lapane
Katherine Moon
Lauren Zalla
Licelot Eralte Mercer
Lindsey Russo
Megan Marziali
Meghan Morris
Nisha Nair
Nur Zeinomar
Olatokunbo Osibogun
Pamela Jo Johnson
Pamela Murnane
Rebecca Stebbins
Roch Nianogo
Sanda Cristina Oancea
Stefanie Hinkle
Xuehong Zhang
Zeinab Baba