- Preside over the SER-SPC Business Meeting which is held during the Annual SER Meeting
- Call and preside over SER-SPC meetings and conference calls held throughout the year
- Oversee all Standing and Ad Hoc Committees
- Appoint Ad Hoc Committee Chairs with majority approval of the SER-SPC Board
- Present semi-annual reports to the SER-SPC Board and general membership
- Represent the SER-SPC to the SER Executive Board and other organizations
- Along with the Internal Affairs Chair, authorize the expenditure of funds on behalf of the SER-SPC in accordance with the approved annual budget and Bylaws
- Fill officer vacancy by appointment with majority approval of the SER-SPC Executive Committee
- Initiate updates and changes to the SER-SPC bylaws as necessary
- Encourage and solicit applications for SPC Travel Awards
- Coordinate Travel Award selection and distribution
- Encourage and solicit applications to the annual Student Dissertation Workshop
- Encourage and solicit applications for both the Tyroler Student and Lilienfeld Postdoctoral Prize Papers
- Liaise with the SER Awards Committee as the SER-SPC representative
- Assume the position of Interim President if the office of President becomes vacant, or if the President is temporarily unable or unavailable to attend to duties
- Preside over the SER-SPC Business Meeting if the President is unable to attend
- Preside over any SER-SPC meetings/conference calls if the President is unable to attend
- Assist President with the oversight of all Standing and Ad Hoc Committees
- Represent the SER-SPC to the SER Executive Committee and other organizations if the President is unable to do so
- Assist SER Executive Board and SER staff in all membership outreach and recruitment
- Encourage involvement by the membership in the SER-SPC Board and committee leadership and affairs
- Verify SER membership status of all nominees for positions in the SER-SPC Board
- Implement election procedures according to the timelines and process specified in the Bylaws
- Disseminate results of elections to the membership
- Other duties as assigned by the President
- Coordinate and oversee the nomination and election of officers with the support and oversight of the SER Membership/Nominations Committee. If the Membership/Nominations chair(s) him/herself is running, then another SER-SPC member will be appointed by the president to also oversee the elections process
- Liaise with the SER Membership/Nominations Committee as the SER-SPC representative
- Prepare a summary of all activities completed in the previous year to be presented to the incoming SER-SPC Board at the first conference call of the year
- Other duties as assigned by the President
- Record and send the minutes of all official meetings of the SER-SPC and official correspondence to the SER-SPC Board after each Board meeting
- Schedule all SPC Board meetings
- Assist the President with communication to SPC Board Members
- Lead the annual SPC membership survey including analyzing results and presenting these to SPC board members, and summarizing results for the general membership
- Forward important announcements for posting on the website to the SER staff
- Promote the Annual SER Meeting and SER-SPC sponsored programs and other events
- Serve jointly on the SER Diversity and Inclusion committee and the SER Student & Postdoc Committee
- Identify and/or create opportunities to incorporate diverse student & post-doc voices in SER SPC activities
- Attend and participate in regularly scheduled SER-SPC board meetings
- Maintain resources for students and post-docs in epidemiology focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Coordinate with other SER-SPC chairs to plan and/or implement activities that focus on the themes of diversity, equity and inclusion
· Identify compelling topics and points of discussion for monthly SER educational opportunities.
· Coordinate with speakers presenting at SER education events.
· Collaborate with other professional organizations for joint events including journal club discussions.
· Encourage trainee participation in SER educational opportunities, including the Annual Meeting, SERdigital, SERexperts, and SERjournal club.
· Attend and participate in regularly scheduled SER-SPC board meetings.
· Liaise with the SER Education Committee as the SER-SPC representative(s).
- Coordinate SER-SPC participation in SER social media, including recruiting and following-up with contributors from among the SER-SPC membership
- Coordinate the SER-SPC newsletter to be produced prior to the Annual Meeting
- Manage the SER-SPC listserve(s) and oversee content of the SPC webpage
- Liaise with departmental contacts regarding forthcoming SER-SPC events and activities
- Coordinate trainee sign-up at the Annual Meeting
- Liaise with the SER Communications Committee as the SER-SPC representative
- Media Chair serves for a two year term
- Serve as chair of the Annual Meeting Program Committee
- Encourage and solicit ideas and suggestions from the general SPC membership regarding Annual SER Meeting programming, specifically for SER-SPC sponsored workshops, panels, poster sessions or presentations
- Plan and implement SER-SPC sponsored workshops, panels, poster sessions and/or presentations at the Annual SER Meeting
- Plan and implement other programming events and services for the membership, as necessary