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Executive Committee Overview

The Annual Elections for the Society for Epidemiologic Research are held each year for positions on the Executive Committee and Student and PostDoc Committee. We value your input as a member of the Society and ask that you nominate individuals for consideration that you feel will help drive the direction of SER for the next 3 years. Self-nominations are also accepted.

The control and administration of SER is vested in an Executive Committee, which, as per SER bylaws, includes a President, Past-President, President-Elect, five Members at large and an Executive Director. All positions, except for the Executive Director, are elected individually by majority vote of the members voting.

The 2025 Elections include candidates for President-Elect, Member at Large – Education Committee and Student and Postdoc President-Elect.

Criteria for Executive Committee Positions



President elect candidates should be distinguished senior epidemiologists with at least 15 years in the field after completing training. They should also have some leadership experience, which could be in any of a number of settings, including research, academic, public or private sector positions, or a professional organization. Candidates should have a record of SER membership and consistent attendance at annual meetings.


Member at Large

Member at large candidates should be mid-career or senior epidemiologists, which would generally mean at least five years past training. Candidates should have a record of SER membership and consistent attendance at annual meetings.

SER Executive Committee Responsibilities



  1. Plan, organize and execute Annual Meeting including Symposia selection and Workshop selection. (October-June)
  2. Finalize election candidates from proposals by membership/nominations committee for executive committee elections. (October)



(President, Past-President, President-Elect, Executive Director)

  1. Monthly conference calls with Officers
  2. Oversee financial management of organization
  3. Serve on assigned committee or initiative decided upon each year by the Officers
    1. Mentoring Committee
    2. Diversity and Inclusion Committee


  1. Serve on the assigned committee or initiative decided upon by the Officers
  2. Participate in monthly Officers conference call
  3. Attend Executive Committee Meetings (September, March and June)


  1. Organize, chair and conduct executive committee meetings. (September, March and June)
  2. Contact nominated candidates for President and Member at Large positions after approved by the executive committee. (September)
  3. Contribute to SERnews. (February, April, June, September and November)
  4. Select and contact Keynote, Cassel and Plenary speakers for the Annual Meeting. (November)
  5. Host President’s Reception during the Annual Meeting. (June)
  6. Serve on the assigned committee or initiative decided upon by the Officers
  7. Participate and moderate monthly Officers conference call


  1. Organize and run the Student Dissertation Workshop, including participant and faculty selection. (February – June)
  2. Oversee the collection, review and selection of the Tyroler Prize Paper winner –work with awards committee for application reviews. (February/March)
  3. Serve on the assigned committee or initiative decided upon by the Officers
  4. Participate in monthly Officers conference call
  5. Attend Executive Committee Meetings (September, March and June)

 Executive Director

  1. Oversee the management of the financial contracts. (Ongoing)
  2. Oversee the management SER’s financials. (Ongoing)
  3. Oversee the organization of the Annual Meeting. (October-June)
  4. Oversee the elections of the executive committee. (October-March)
  5. Participate in monthly Officers conference call
  6. Attend Executive Committee Meetings (September, March and June)

Board Member – Awards

  1. Organize and judge each Poster Session at the Annual Meeting. (First Year of Term)
  2. Serve as the Awards Committee Co-Chair (Term)
  3. Report to Executive Committee on behalf of the Awards Committee (September, December, March, June)
  4. Attend Executive Committee Meetings (September, March and June)

 Board Member – Communications

  1. Organize and judge each Poster Session at the Annual Meeting. (First Year of Term)
  2. Serve as the Awards Committee Co-Chair (Term)
  3. Report to Executive Committee on behalf of the Awards Committee (September, December, March, June)
  4. Attend Executive Committee Meetings (September, March and June)

 Board Member – Education

  1. Organize and judge each Poster Session at the Annual Meeting. (First Year of Term)
  2. Serve as the Awards Committee Co-Chair (Term)
  3. Report to Executive Committee on behalf of the Awards Committee (September, December, March, June)
  4. Attend Executive Committee Meetings (September, March and June)

Board Member – Membership

  1. Organize and judge each Poster Session at the Annual Meeting. (First Year of Term)
  2. Serve as the Awards Committee Co-Chair (Term)
  3. Report to Executive Committee on behalf of the Awards Committee (September, December, March, June)
  4. Attend Executive Committee Meetings (September, March and June)

Board Member – Scientific Dissemination

  1. Organize and judge each Poster Session at the Annual Meeting. (First Year of Term)
  2. Serve as the Awards Committee Co-Chair (Term)
  3. Report to Executive Committee on behalf of the Awards Committee (September, December, March, June)
  4. Attend Executive Committee Meetings (September, March and June)

SPC President

  1. Report to the Executive Committee on behalf of the SPC (September, December, March, June)
  2. Attend Executive Committee Meetings (September, March and June)
  3. Oversee Student and Postdoc Committee Board and Activities

Click here to learn about the Student and PostDoc Committee Board.