Happy September, SER! I want to begin by thanking you all for entrusting me to lead this amazing organization. SER has been an important part of my professional life, and it is truly the honor of my life to serve as your President. I look forward to the work ahead. A big shout out to our Texas members for welcoming us all to Austin last June. And what an impressive meeting it was! Over 1,300 attendees participated in over 20 workshops, 24 symposia, and numerous oral abstract sessions, lunchtime discussions, and professional development sessions. In true SER fashion, there was something for everyone. As SER President and a native Bostonian, it will be my pleasure to welcome SER back to my hometown. The 2025 meeting will be the “reschedule” of the Boston 2020 meeting up-ended by the pandemic, and will be the fourth convening in Boston (previous meetings were held in 1996, 2007 and 2013). For those who’ve never been, Boston holds a unique place in U.S. history. Known as the “birthplace of the American Revolution”, Boston is home to the country’s oldest school (Boston Latin School, est. 1635); the oldest health department (once led by a local guy named […]