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SPC Travel Scholarships


Stephen L Buka Travel Scholarship

The Department of Epidemiology at the Brown University School of Public Health will offer a $1000 travel scholarship to support a student or postdoc to give an oral presentation at the annual SER meeting in June 2025 in Boston, MA.


Janet Lane-Claypon Travel Scholarship

The Division of Epidemiology in the Department of Population Health at the NYU Robert I. Grossman School of Medicine will offer a $1000 travel scholarship to support a student or postdoc at the annual SER meeting in June 2025 in Boston, MA.

2025 SPC Travel Scholarship submissions open September 23, 2024. Submissions are due by January 10, 2025. The SER Student and PostDoc Committee will award $400.00 travel scholarships to attend the Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, June 10-13, 2025.


Applicants must be a current Student/PostDoc member of SER at the time of applying.  Click here to join/renew.


Applicants must submit an abstract to the general call for abstracts submission. Latebreaker abstract submissions are not eligible due to the scoring deadline. If applicant submits more than one abstract for the meeting, they must choose one abstract to include with the scholarship application. You will be required to enter your Abstract ID number on the application. ID numbers may be found on your abstract submission confirmation email.


Individuals who have received a travel scholarship in the past two years are not eligible to apply.