George R. Seage III, DSc, MPH is Professor of Epidemiology (tenured) in the Department of Epidemiology, Director of the Interdisciplinary Concentration in the Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, and Director of the Pediatric AIDS Cohort Study (PHACS) data and analysis center. Dr. Seage’s research focuses on HIV epidemiology, including: 1) the long-term impact of antiretroviral therapy for prevention and treatment among children and adolescents perinatally exposed to HIV; 2) the biologic and behavioral determinants of HIV transmission and prevention; and 3) HIV clinical epidemiology and outcomes research. By using his core expertise in epidemiologic methods and by extending his core expertise to other disciplines, Dr. Seage has provided the scientific leadership of multidisciplinary teams to investigate a range of etiologic, clinical, and policy questions. He has been the Principal Investigator on research sponsored by nine different federal agencies, totaling more than $225 million. Dr. Seage has been the Principal Investigator of a number of studies that have elucidated the biological and behavioral factors associated with HIV transmission, acquisition, and prevention–including the Boston Partners Study (BPS), the Boston Young Men’s Study (BYMS), and the HIV Network of Prevention Trials Vaccine Preparedness Study (HIVNET VPS). Currently he is the Principal Investigator for the Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study (PHACS), Data and Operations Center, a multidisciplinary initiative co-funded by eight NIH Institutes, PI of an NIH RO1 “Modeling the effect of the Botswana Combination HIV Prevention Project”, as well as the Program Director of one of the few NIH training grants in infectious disease epidemiology and biodefense. Dr. Seage has published more than 180 papers in peer-reviewed medical, public health and policy journals, and has co-authored an epidemiology methods textbook currently used in more than 125 schools of medicine and public health around the world. In addition to teaching two HIV epidemiology courses at HSPH, he has mentored 16 post doctoral and doctoral students and fellows plus 12 others as secondary advisor, many of whom have published in leading peer-reviewed journals and have received significant national awards and grants.
- Submitted Abstract Session Chair – Infectious Disease