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Paul Yousefi

Paul Yousefi is an epigenetic epidemiologist interested in applying emerging methods in biostatistics and machine learning to draw inference in multidimensional omic data analysis. As a researcher with the MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit at the University of Bristol, Paul is currently examining how diverse environmental and social factors become embodied in DNA methylation patterns using population-based human studies, including the ALSPAC cohort. He completed his master’s degree (2011) and doctorate (2016) at the University of California, Berkeley where he focused on techniques for bias reduction in epigenome-wide association studies, and exposure to environmental pesticides and flame-retardants on DNA methylation during critical periods of development. He has also worked extensively with large international consortia such as PACE (Pregnancy and Childhood Epigentics), contributing to projects evaluating patterns of altered DNA methylation associated with smoking, air pollution, and low child birth weight.