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Environmental Epidemiology: Spanning Risk Factors, Ages, and Health Outcomes

Session Chair: Jennifer Peel, Colorado State University

Combined Exposures to Prenatal Pesticides and Folic Acid Intake in Relation to Autism Spectrum Disorders
Rebecca Schmidt

Birth outcomes and unconventional natural gas development in Pennsylvania USA  2009-2013
Joan Casey

Association of traffic-related air pollution and coronary artery calcium in the Framingham Heart Study
Kirsten Dorans

Organochlorine insecticides DDT and chlordane in relation to survival following breast cancer
Humberto Parada

Residential exposure to pesticide active ingredients and birth defects
Kristen Rappazzo

Climate change and very dangerous heat waves: Projecting the frequency of high-mortality heat waves in 82 US communities in 2061–2080 under different climate  population  and adaptation scenarios
G. Brooke Anderson