Kenneth Mugwanya, MBChB, MS, PhD is a Ugandan physician-epidemiologist and an Assistant Professor of Global Health and Epidemiology at the University of Washington, Seattle. His research focuses on the prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, including epidemiologic studies of risk factors for HIV transmission, work at the interface of HIV prevention and reproductive health, pharmacologic, and implementation science research aimed at optimizing HIV prevention delivery for populations in Africa. Read more
He led the key studies to quantify the risk and safety associated with TDF/FTC PrEP in heterosexual men and women, including a key pharmacokinetic study of directly observed TDF-based PrEP excretion in breastmilk and infant exposure among HIV-uninfected lactating mothers that directly informed the WHO guidelines for PrEP use in breastfeeding for at risk women. Dr Mugwanya’s current research includes NIH supported projects to define TDF/FTC PrEP adherence-concentration benchmarks and TFV-DP concentrations associated with HIV protection for African cisgender women and implementation science studies to integrate PrEP delivery in family planning clinics in Kenya.