Login credentials are the same as your login on SER’s website.
Username can be your email address associated with your account or the username created.
If you forgot your password, click here or contact a member of the SER administrative staff to reset your password for you.
Daily Schedule– all scheduled events of the meeting. You can view the full schedule for all meeting dates, or filter by a specific date by clicking on the day in the orange box.
Type in keyword from a session title or a speakers name in the ‘search’ box to find a specific session.
Personalized Schedule – you can create your own personal schedule for the sessions you want to attend. On the daily schedule, click ‘Add to Calendar’ for the specific session. This will move the event to your personal schedule. If you no longer want this event on your personal schedule, click ‘Remove from Calendar’.
On either schedule, you can view all the session details. Click ‘more’. When done viewing the additional information.
Conference Attendees
Individuals registered for the Annual Meeting, appear on the Conference Attendee list. Click on the attendee name to view additional information. By default, the email address is provided. Attendees wishing to add more details, may update their profile through ‘my app profile’ on the homescreen. Individuals wishing to opt out of the attendee directory, may do so in the ‘my app profile’.
Learn more about each of the exhibitors by clicking on their logo! Be sure to stop by their tables on the Main Level.
Conference Program
Abstracts – full searchable directory of all abstracts submitted. This includes abstracts selected for poster presentation and oral presentation. Search by Session Type, Abstract Submission Category, or keyword.
CCS – Concurrent Contributed Session. This section will provide you with a filtered list of the CCS.
Lunchtime – This section will provide you with a listing of all lunchtime sessions.
Plenary – This section will provide you with a filtered list from the Daily Schedule of the Plenary Sessions.
Poster Information – This is for specific details on setup/takedown times for poster presenters. You can also connect to the abstracts or poster number assignments.
Professional Development – The final sessions of the conference are organized for professional development. See a full listing of the sessions offered.
Student & PostDoc – This will section will provide you with a filtered list from the Daily Schedule of the SPC events happening at the conference.
Symposia – This section will provide you with a filtered list from the Daily Schedule of the Symposia Sessions.
Workshops – This section will provide you with a filtered list from the Daily Schedule of the Pre-Conference Workshops.
General Information
Need specific information on where to find details on the Business Center, Transportation details, and ADA assistance, visit this section for all the details.
Room locations for each meeting floor at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis can be found here.
A full listing of all session chairs can be found here. See their photo and bio by clicking on their name.
Suggestions for where to eat close by the hotel.
SPC Events
See a full listing of Student and PostDoc events at the meeting.
The SER app will be available outside of the annual meeting to keep you up-to-date on all the upcoming events of the organization.
Access all the benefits of the SERlibrary through the App. Stay updated on SERdigital, SERexperts, SERforum, SERpodcast, SERplaylists, and SERtalks.
Stay connected with SER through the various social media platforms. Join Us!
SER’s contact information. While at the Annual Meetings, stop by the registration desk with any questions.
By default, all registered attendees will appear in the conference attendees list. Name and email are listed. If you wish to provide additional information to your profile, enter the details here. You may also opt of appearing in the attendee list.