After graduating from the Duke University Sanford School of Public Policy in 2003, Neal Fann began serving in the Office of Air and Radiation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a Presidential Management Fellow. Neal now manages the environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program–Community Edition (BenMAP-CE), the open source PC-based program that EPA uses to estimate the health and economic benefits of air quality rules. Using this software, he applies information from the air pollution epidemiology and economics literatures to characterize the human health impacts, and monetized benefits, of changes in common air pollutants including ground level ozone and fine particles. Neal’s research interests include estimating the health burden of poor air quality and characterizing the health impacts of air pollution among susceptible populations. He most recently authored articles examining the public health burden of recent levels of fine particles and ground-level ozone in the U.S., and exploring how classes of emission sources contribute to this burden.