Rita Barradas Barata, Associate Professor of Epidemiology. Graduated in Medicine by Science Medical School of Santa Casa de São Paulo, MSc and PhD degrees in Preventive Medicine at the Universidade de São Paulo (1985 and 1993, respectively). Visiting Professor at Instituto de Salud Juan Lazarte-Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina and Honorary Senior Researcher (1D), National Research Council, Brazil. Scientific Editor of Public Health Journal [Revista de Saúde Pública]. Coordinator of graduate studies programs in Collective Health for the Brazilian Ministry of Education (CAPES), serving for two terms (2008-2010 and 2011-2014). In the Brazilian Association of Collective Health (ABRASCO) has held several leading positions, including member and chair of the Epidemiology Committee (1984-1997) and President (1997-2000). Research experience in the epidemiology of communicable diseases, health inequalities and social determinants on health, and health research policies, with over 110 published peer reviewed papers and several books. Oswaldo Cruz Award (gold medal) conceded by the Brazilian Ministry of Health in recognizing for relevant service to Public Health.