Dr. Seham Elmrayed

Dr. Seham Elmrayed


Seham, a PhD Candidate in Epidemiology at the University of Calgary, has gone above and beyond during the COVID-19 pandemic to help female business-owners (and newcomers to Canada) by starting a non-profit organization, “SaferYYC.”

As a relative newcomer to Canada, Seham is sensitive to the particular needs of this community. When Seham noticed female newcomer business owners were not reopening their businesses due to fear of the often-changing COVID-19 regulations, she identified the barriers the community had to understanding and implementing the guidelines safely, and she translated the current COVID-19 protocols into understandable guidelines. Seham met with community members at their businesses to help them interpret and implement the guidelines safely, ensuring the owners, their employees, and clients remained safe. She also led a social-media campaign under the SaferYYC organization to relay credible information.

She took the initiative to develop a strategic goal to benefit vulnerable business owners within the newcomer community and she trained nursing and medical students to join her. Not only did she raise awareness among the newcomer business community, she engaged students and delegated tasks effectively.

Seham also identified the need for funding, but instead of simply applying for a grant, she mentored an undergraduate student in how to write a successful budget and grant proposal. The student was successful in securing funding, so Seham continues to mentor her through the process of project development and implementation. Farida, the student reports, ‘Seham encouraged me to further expand my knowledge and expertise. Through her enthusiasm and creativity, she inspired me to pursue my own goal and continued working with me. Her desire to teach and influence students is inspiring, and her hard-driven, ambitious work ethic encourages students to strive for their goals.”

As a relative newcomer to Canada, Seham is sensitive to the unique needs of newcomers and she translates this awareness into practical and meaningful initiatives that improve the wellbeing of others. It is Seham’s ability to build trust within newcomer communities, identify needs, clearly articulate her vision, and mobilize others to join her cause. This is what sets Seham apart as a leader – having gone above and beyond during the COVID-19 pandemic.

